Sunday, August 10, 2008


Okay you have all probably seen this. The deal is to post a comment and leave a memory you have of me. Something we did together or you remember about me or whatever. At least I think that is how it works. I didn't read the instructions very carefully. Anyway I hope I get at least three posts on it, and Dan you better be one of them. *glare*

Hooray memories!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Kinetic Typography makes me drool

I love this video enough that I have posted it on both of my blogs. Many of you wonder at my obsession with typography and why some make me cringe and throw up a little (papyrus, comic sans) and why others are so simple and beautiful I just want to cry (Gills Sans, Futura, Garamond...the list can go on). Anyway watch this video and tell me if maybe perhaps you too could come to love typography.

Click here to view the video