So I feel the need to complain further about the whole weight loss/getting fat thing. I promise after this I will step off the soap box and post something fun.
At the beginning of the summer I did a fit test at my gym. The news was not good. I pretty much failed everything and the final result was my body age being that of a 35 year old. I am 32 by the way. LAME... Also keep in mind that for my whole life I have been working out, doing my best to eat right, etc. etc. blah blah blah...
So Dan, who by the way I am way proud of, has just recently begun working out again after an 11 year, on again off again, hiatus. He took the same fit test from the same gym and viola, has the body of a 29 year old. ****SO MUCH ANGER!!!**** He has not missed the opportunity to point out the three year difference between us and has begun calling me a cougar. Not cool Dan.
He also does not fail to point out that if he continues working out as he has been, he will soon gain the body of a 21 year old.
And this is why I hate men.
I eat a grape and gain a pound. He starts drinking water and loses 10. Did I miss the "design the human body" meeting in the pre-life? I am pretty sure that I would have noticed this major flaw. Hello????? Women who run around all day chasing kids, picking up kids, grabbing grocery's, up and down, left and right, and then go to the gym and work out for an hour, then just in case add another run for 20 minutes, just on the chance the hour long workout wasn't "good enough", then rushes home, cleans the house, makes dinner, puts kids to bed, and then finally for the first time in the entire day sits down at 10:30 at night, does not lose one pound. She is maintaining. Read the previous post if you want to know what it takes to lose...
Men on the other hand, wake up, sit in a car, sit at a desk, work out for an hour (if he wants to,) then sits in a car, then sits at a table, then sits on the couch, then lays in a bed...this man will lose 20 pounds.
So I would like to call for a re-vote on the whole system here. Time to go back to the drawing board and fix this situation people. And while we are at it, can we go ahead and just nix the whole body hair thing, I am so sick of shaving...
LMBO soooo true! Nathan will step on the scale "OH I lost 5 pounds today.." out of nowhere. Annoying. And I'm with ya on the shaving too!!! Let's strike! :)
That's hilarious! I totally agree. Not fair. Good thing girls are pretty and boys aren't. Take that boys :) Except I'd rather lose weight just thinking about it. There's always makeup right?
Yay! I'm glad you found me and are "stalking" me through blogs. I wish you were closer too, it would be fun having you and your family here.
So I totally am in the same boat. We eat healthy and exercise and who loses the pounds? My hubby Brian. It's sooo not fair.
Love the last two postings Tannie, so funny! Glad you're back!
Oh I waited too long to read this! So many laughs! Love you, you are awesome.
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